Categories: Seminar SS11
Marketing 3.0 – New Issues in Marketing:
From Integrated Marketing Communication to the Marketing of Sustainable Leaders
E-Book: Marketing 3.0 (PDF, 1,2 MB)
Today, the world is changing at a faster pace than ever before. Not only social and political developments, but also technological changes are shaping modern human life. Twenty years ago, television was the sole defining medium of developed countries. The triumph of the Internet has not only changed the way we access information, but also the way we communicate. The age of mass communication is slowly being replaced by the age of social media. The latter is mainly defining the way people live by offering them new ways of communication. Those technological possibilities can also establish new ways for companies to communicate with customers and represent opportunities as well as risks.
It is pretty certain, that traditional ways of marketing are starting to become obsolete due to these changes in the process of communication. One of the essential means of marketing, the advertising impact, which represented the equality of investment in promotion and success in sales, is losing its importance right now. Classical media advertising, even within the new media, is depreciating compared to new forms of marketing via social media.
New ways to find a customer base and to retain it are needed. Trust in the brand or product can become one of the key elements, which can only be established by the use of adequate kinds of communication with customers and other stakeholders in the age of social media.
This paper is supposed to give insight into the opportunities to adjust basic marketing concepts. For that purpose the future social, economical and technological developments and their impact on media and business will be examined in a basic analysis, before different concepts to align marketing to these changes are introduced. Philip Kotler has verbalized one method of resolution in his concept of Marketing 3.0, which is one of the approaches, that are being critically evaluated, before using them as a base to design an own approach to adapt marketing to future changes. This basic approach should be seen as a general suggestion for the alignment of marketing and communication methods, and explicitly not as a blueprint which is usable in any economic sector. A more practice-related framework, which will incorporate the specific of different business models and economic sectors, can be developed in future semesters.
Please visit this link to read the full e-book (PDF) …16 Aug. 2011 admin