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Categories: Seminar SS 2012

Customer Relationship Management


“One face to the customer, one face of the customer” is a guideline, which takes us to our understanding of Customer Relationship Management. The last decade witnessed a major shift through the emergence of the social web in the behavior from companies to customers and vice versa. Not only as a matter of IT-processes and calculation, CRM should now be understood as a mutual “trust-driver”. This is pointed out in Robert Morgan’s and Shelby Hunt’s Trust-Commitment-Theory of Relationship Marketing: “The efficiency, adjustment, and even survival of any social group depends upon the presence or absence of such trust.” (Morgan/Hunt, 1994) Especially as we are facing the so called Social Media Revolution, companies have to focus on the new possibilities of how to improve their customer relationship. Besides the matters of trust and commitment, the main strategic, analytical and operative factors of CRM are still valid, of course.

Categories: Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS 2012

Crowdsourcing – voluntary freetime jobs for creative business solution

Authors: Julia Deeg, Laura Kremer, Barbara Hertinger, Birgit Guggi, Laura Weckbach

1. Definition, history and differentiation

Letting the masses of internet users do a job for their own company sounds tempting as well as very advantageous to organisations. Yet the process is not without risks. In the following the history and the term of crowdsourcing will be described, and its modes, advantages and disadvantages explained. The question is how crowdsourcing matches the communication concept of an organisation and which aspects have to be considered in the process.

Categories: Seminar SS 2012

Social Media – Facts & Trends

1. Definition

In the past years, the Internet changed from a static information platform to a dynamic channel for people around the world. The rise of Social networks, such as Facebook or twitter gave the user the opportunity to introduce themselves to a huge audience. The intention of Social Media is to connect with one another. It includes all kinds of digital media and technologies that enable users to create and exchange User Generated Content. It was only a matter of time until companies realized their chance of taking part in this movement.

2. Objectives

Categories: Media University Stuttgart, Seminar SS 2012

Mobile Marketing


Mobile marketing is booming! Analysts and forecasts predict that by the year 2014 there will be more people access the web by mobile devices and technologies than by PC and local broadband. By now already circa 90 percent of the world’s population own a mobile phone. The evolution of mobile from a niche product to a predominant communication and interaction channel, which focuses proactive consumer conversation is taking place right now.


Mobile marketing can be defined as marketing measurements by the usage of mobile technologies, which are focused on a more directly towards the consumer oriented and those affecting. Enterprises thereby are providing digital and interactive content intending and motivating a conversational interaction with their customers.

Categories: Seminar SS 2012

From one-way road to dialogue exchange – communication tools of today’s companies


The policies of communication have been becoming crucially important for organisations. According to experts the main reason for this statement is the rise in stakeholder expectations. Therefore, integrated and interlinked business communications are necessary (cf. Busch, 2007, p. 1).
However, what does communication mean? Communication can be described as the process of transferring information through a message from one entity to another.

In terms of the Corporate Identity Concept, communication includes all communication activities, which intend to transfer the self-perception of a company to an external image. For example, market communication is one form of communication. Thereby the company promotes mainly its products to the external audience. The main goal is to provide information about the company and its products, causing purchasing decisions in the mind of the potential buyers.

Categories: Seminar SS 2012

Abstract: SoLoMo – It matters where you are

Authors: Teresa Böhm, Carolin Hirsch, Kim Laranjeira, Kristina Lobe, Beate Riechers, Steffen Müller, Hendrik Niedenthal

1. The rise of SoLoMo

Categories: Seminar SS 2012

ABSTRACT Corporate Communication and Stakeholder Dialogue

Corporate Communication

In a market in which products and services hardly differ from each other, where customers exchange information at any time and publish their experiences with companies and their products, it is increasingly important to ensure competitive advantage by successful communicational work. At this point, corporate communication comes to the fore. The corporate communication´s task is to arrange the interactions between the company and its environment positively communicative management of employees is just as important as the company’s image to the outside (Joep 2008: 4-6).

Categories: Seminar SS 2012

Abstract Integrierte Marktkommunikation Cross Media Marketing

In an era of technology we live in, the average person may see or hear thousands of advertising messages per day. It is a challenge for companies to break through this information wall and get the attention of a customer. What type of media can be used to create successful campaigns? The answer to this question can be surprising – all of them.

Categories: Seminar SS 2012

Abstract Cross marketing

Categories: Seminar SS11

Marketing 3.0 – New Issues in Marketing:

From Integrated Marketing Communication to the Marketing of Sustainable Leaders

E-Book: Marketing 3.0 (PDF, 1,2 MB)

Today, the world is changing at a faster pace than ever before. Not only social and political developments, but also technological changes are shaping modern human life. Twenty years ago, television was the sole defining medium of developed countries. The triumph of the Internet has not only changed the way we access information, but also the way we communicate. The age of mass communication is slowly being replaced by the age of social media. The latter is mainly defining the way people live by offering them new ways of communication. Those technological possibilities can also establish new ways for companies to communicate with customers and represent opportunities as well as risks.

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