Here you can find a list of basic literature dealing with 360° marketing. These are the same books listed in the starterkit of the seminar at the Media University Stuttgart.
The list will be updated every now and then.
Recommended books:
- The New Marketing Paradigm: Integrated Marketing Communications by Don E Schultz
tagged with: communications, english, marketing, recommended - Communicating Globally: An Integrated Marketing Approach by Don E Schultz
tagged with: communications, english, globally, marketing, recommended - Integrated Marketing Communications by David Pickton
tagged with: communications, english, marketing, recommended - Kellogg on Integrated Marketing by Unknown
tagged with: english, marketing, recommended - Destination Marketing: An Integrated Marketing Communication Approach by Steven Pike
tagged with: english, marketing, recommended
Basic books:
Integrierte Unternehmens-und Markenkommunikation by Manfred Bruhn
tagged with: german, marketing, recommended
Other books:
- Marketing-Management: Strategien für wertschaffendes Handeln by Philip Kotler
tagged with: german, marketing, recommended
11 Apr. 2009 Kathrin Friedrich